Ocean Warfare: The Technology Waves

Book's Features:

Title    :    Ocean Warfare – The Technology Waves
Author    :    Dr. A.S. Pillai & Dr. R.K. Tiwari
Publisher    :    Manas Publications
ISBN-10    :    8170492394
ISBN-13    :    978-8170492399
Binding    :    Hardcover
Number Of Pages    :    455
Language    :    English

Short Description:

Oceans, comprising more than seventy percent of the earth, have been the most dominant theatre of many conflicts and wars over the past centuries. Sea power, has had, large global ramifications and the maritime strategy forms a major strategic input to the Integrated Defence Policy of any country. The authors have brought out all the relevant issues of future wars to be fought by a well-knit and brilliantly coordinated naval force utilizing high technology systems and platforms. Four major technological components which would play the dominants role are; (i) battlefield information technology, (ii) sensor systems, (iii) electronic warfare system and (iv) precision guided and smart weapons. The book provides a comprehensive scenario of the current as well the emerging technologies which would revolution in the military affairs and become the force multiplier. The book also brings out the impact of technological advancements on naval platform (Ships and Submarines), maritime navigation, communication, sensors and stealth characteristics on the future ocean warfare.

The ocean, like land and air, is a potential theatre for military activities, and the warship is central to these operations. The oceans and warships have unique characteristics, and hence the ocean warfare has specific geographical and legal features. Geographically, unlike land, the sea does not have any hills, valleys, built-up areas, road signs, international law, the economic zone and territorial waters belong to the bordering state. However, these limits are not marked, there are no custom posts, and hence there is free passage for everybody. Friends and enemies alike can access the waters, and hence deploy their ships anywhere. Under such a scenario, it becomes rather difficult to locate an enemy, especially in a situation when the platform is submerged in water (submarines).

The other characteristics of ocean warfare relates to warship, which is slow, its operations are lengthy, and it is to be deployed well in advance of the intended operation. On the other hand, it is autonomous, the operations of its weapon systems live on board, and up to some extent, it has the capabilities of self-maintenance. It always carries its munitions on-board and is, therefore, constantly ready for action. Ocean warfare covers a wide area of operation and may last for a considerable time. The ships may have to travel long distances to find the enemy and intercept them. The operational distances in the oceanic warfare may be hundreds or even thousands of nautical miles. Since, the geography does not allow the number of options available to the enemy, the naval warfare depends upon operational intelligence and early warning. Unlike at land, it is rather difficult to prepare precise ocean warfare plans in advance. Moreover, due to large distances involved in ocean warfare, considerable communication facilities and adequate logistic support to the ships is absolutely essential. There is a fundamental difference between the land warfare and the naval warfare, as the objective of the former is to achieve victory over some territory, whereas the objective of the naval warfare is to control maritime communications for commercial as well as military purposes and all of these needs harnessing state-of-the-art technology.

A nation cannot be equally competent in the land warfare as well as in the sea warfare. Their strategic geography forces them to prioritise their efforts in different environments of conflicts. Basically, as a thumb rule, the continental states should have better preparedness at land, whereas the maritime nations should generally be better equipped for the ocean warfare. The maritime strategy, therefore, limits the operational choice of the enemy and how effectively both the sides can use their naval warfare.

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